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  • Writer's pictureChukwuebuka Ilozumba

THOUGHTS FROM ZAMBIA 04a - TFZ04a: Eco-Preservation

Updated: Jul 4, 2023


Tourism in Eastern to Southern Africa is largely driven by wildlife preservation. Where else to preserve and experience this than along the Zambezi River, in protected reserves that allow animals to thrive? The Mosi Tunya Game Reserve. Asides from the revenue and jobs such reserves create, we as humans, the greatest destroyers of nature, must understand that in the cycle of life, dependence hierarchy is so complex and must be preserved at all costs.

A simple example, for most food harvests to occur, insects of various kinds must come in to pollinate. These insects need a habitat which is the forest areas. When you clear the forests, you inevitably reduce their numbers and equally contribute to lesser harvests. No reminder is needed on the crucial oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange, which all humans need to exist.

Protea Hotel Livingstone
Protea Hotel Driveway

The above scenario is what the Livingstone district understands properly and have incorporated it into structures around the area. Hotels are constructed and run in ways that bring them as close as possible to nature.

I played my part by using the mosquito net that was provided and not bothering to spray the insecticide that was also made available.

Mosquito Net in Hotel Room
Provided Mosquito Net

A sign along the road would remind you that you are driving into an elephant zone and should therefore be on the watch and allow them to cross when sighted. Our hotel had a sign informing guests that when zebras are sighted on their premises, they should not be approached as they are still wild.

Butterflies are disappearing all over the world. Aggressive deforestation and reckless use of pesticides are killing them off. Fresh/groundwater levels are dropping the world over. Combine that with all the ongoing water-related disasters and we can all come to an agreement: We need to be more climate responsible.

So yeah, let's head into the Mosi Oa Tunya Game Reserve? A bientôt!



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